• How I Got Into Series: IBM-Marketing

    The text below is a summary of a video in our How I Got Into Series. Who is this person?  Paulina Espinoza is currently a Social Content Specialist at IBM-Marketing. Being the first in her immediate family to go to…

  • How I Got Into Series: Google

    The text below is a summary of a video in our How I Got Into Series. Who is this person?  Dante Gutierrez is currently a student at the University of Texas at El Paso where he is majoring in Mechanical…

  • How I Got Into Series: Tesla

    The text below is a summary of a video in our How I Got Into Series. Who is this person? Parth Sareen is currently a student attending the University of Waterloo where he studies Mechatronics Engineering. Before Parth’s internship at…

  • How I Got Into Series: Palantir

    The text below is a summary of a video in our How I Got Into Series. Who is this person? Alejandro Davila is a Software Engineer at Palantir Technologies and is also the co-founder of the company InternMakers. After graduating…

  • How I Got Into Series: Apple

    The text below is a summary of a video in our How I Got Into Series. Who is this person? Neil Sharma is currently a student attending the University of Waterloo where he studies System Design Engineering. His passion for…